Hetwin Automation Systems GmbH

Development and production of robots for agriculture, mainly for cattle but also increasingly for pigs and goats.

company data
employees: 11 - 20
legal form: Gesellschaft mit beschränkter Haftung
commercial register number: FN370161f
founding date: 2004
member of cluster: ME
export countries:
EU with core Business in Germany, Austria, Italy
Export countries: USA, Canada, Israel, Taiwan, Japan, New Zealand
test facility barn, Langkampfen
products and services:
AramisII - feeding robot
Stallboy feed- feed pusher
Stallboy light - feed puscher
Astor - stable straw system
Athos - feeding robot
Apollo - cleaning robot
concentratefeed equipment
Igari - System for Homeopathy
Cattle shower
research and innovation
Stallboy light (2015)
Athos (2016)
Aramis Autonom (2017)
contact information
street: Mitterweg 15
ZIP code: 6336
city: Langkampfen
country: Ă–sterreich
phone: +43.5332.85300
email: info@hetwin.at
website: http://www.hetwin.at
  • competences and specialization
    • agricultural machines
    • automation
    • control
    • engineering
    • forestry machines
    • regulation technology


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