WIFI Tirol - Bereich IT/EDV

company data
employees: <= 5
founding date: 1945
member of cluster: IT
export countries:
The principle market for WlFI Tyrol is focused on North Tyrol but still offers courses for participants from South Tyrol and southern Bavaria. This is also the case in the IT department.
Medel, Innsbruck
Mayrhofner Bergbahnen, Mayrhofen
Felder Gruppe Österreich
D. Swarovski KG
products and services:
The offered products and services are courses and qualifications tailored to the needs of the current economy. The combination of theory and practical training allows direct transferral to the work place.
research and innovation
For us, the most important innovation and permanently ongoing project is to maintain the individualisation of our range of courses as well as to ensure that all our courses are always guaranteed to take place. No other educational institution in Tyrol.
contact information
street: Egger-Lienz-Straße 116
ZIP code: 6020
city: Innsbruck
country: Österreich
phone: +43.590905.7256
email: wifinews.it@wktirol.at
website: http://www.tirol.wifi.at


Patricia Hueber BSc
phone: +43 590905 7256
email: patricia.hueber@wktirol.at
  • competences and specialization
    • professional development
    • training


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