qbeauty GmbH

General distributor of !QMS Medicosmetics in Austria and South Tyrol

company data
additional name: Generalvertrieb für !QMS Medicosmetics in Österreich und Südtirol
employees: 6 - 10
legal form: Gesellschaft mit beschränkter Haftung
commercial register number: 413197v
founding date: 2014
member of cluster: WE
export countries:
Austria and South Tyrol
See www.qbeauty.at/unsere-kunden.php
products and services:
Distributor for Cosmetics
contact information
street: Müllerstrasse 11
ZIP code: 6020
city: Innsbruck
country: Österreich
phone: +43 512 214 455
email: info@qbeauty.at
website: http://www.qbeauty.at


Murat Coskun MBA
function: CEO
phone: +43 512 214 455
email: info@kosmetik-aurora.at
  • competences and specialization
    • cosmetic-production
    • marketing
    • sales


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