KOGLERtec e. U.

Electrical engineering

company data
employees: <= 5
legal form: Einzelunternehmen
commercial register number: FN 429816 h
founding date: 2015
member of cluster: EE
export countries:
Tyrol, bordering provinces
products and services:
Electrical engineering and lighting design on BIM basis
Engineering for renewable energies (e. g. photovoltaics)
contact information
street: Josef-Loinger-Straße 5
ZIP code: 6300
city: Wörgl
country: Österreich
phone: +43 664 886 907 83
email: christian@koglertec.at
website: http://www.koglertec.at


Ing. Christian Kogler
function: manager
email: christian@koglertec.at
  • competences and specialization
    • architecture
    • consulting
    • planning
    • project development


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