rtd services OG

company data
additional name: research & innovation management
employees: <= 5
legal form: Offene Handelsgesellschaft
commercial register number: FN 380758p
founding date: 2012
member of cluster: LS + EE + WE + IT + ME + KT
export countries:
European Union and associated countries to the H2020 Funding Programme.
rtd services features a network of experts from all over the world in science, industry, policy, and other sectors. More than 35 projects received funding from EU (FP7, H2020), INTERREG and national, regional funding sources (Austria, Tirol)
products and services:
Acquisition of relevant funding (Horizon 2020, national and regional funding sources, INTERREG and other funding Programmes). Seminars and interactive workshops in the field of research and innovation management.
research and innovation
6 EU Projects as management and dissemination, exploitation partner; 2 EU Projects as coordinator. 5 national projects (industry 4.0, protrans AWS) as coach for applying and expert in project management and innovation management.
contact information
street: Mentlgasse 1
ZIP code: 6020
city: Innsbruck
country: Österreich
phone: +43.664.8333.569
email: moser@rtd-services.com
website: http://www.rtd-services.com


DI Andreas Moser
function: CEO, Chief Executive Officer
phone: +43 664 833 35 69
email: moser@rtd-services.com
  • competences and specialization
    • consulting
    • project management


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