Your own network can do with expanding, within your own industry or an industry important for your plans? You are looking for like-minded people with similar business challenges? You would like a trustworthy environment as well as companies and researchers with whom you can regularly exchange information and ultimately also cooperate? Standortagentur Tirol as a platform for your communication and cooperation needs can help you establish important contacts and offers the following:
- Information on the latest industry topics and trends
- Personal meetings and professional discussions with players in business and science
- Brainstorming sessions to discuss concrete project ideas
You would like to present your company at an international level and strengthen your network in the B2B as well as B2C sectors, but you do not have enough resources to do so? Use Standortagentur Tirol or the business location of Tyrol to participate together with them at investor seminars, location presentations, technology events, trade fairs and conferences.
- Advance information on relevant trade fairs
- Joint appearance at international trade fairs with companies in similar sectors