Swarovski-Optik AG & Co KG.

Development and manufacturing of customer-specific optics and optical systems, incl. mechanical construction with the emphasis on the series production of high-quality optical systems.
Swarovski Optik also develops, manufactures and sells high-quality knurling tools under the QUICK brand.

company data
additional name: Swarotec Division
employees: <= 5
legal form: Kommanditgesellschaft
commercial register number: 16636s
founding date: 1949
member of cluster: ME + LS
contact information
street: Daniel-Swarovski-Straße 70
ZIP code: 6067
city: Absam
country: Österreich
phone: +43 5223 511 645 4
email: customerservice@swarotec.com
website: http://www.swarotec.com
  • competences and specialization
    • mechatronics


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